If you find that doing the program and the homework are helpful, then I would continue to do so on a regular basis. Or, have you tried journaling? You may find that writing down your thoughts and reflecting upon them may be of use.
Hi Fifereillie (I hope I spelled it right!!)
Your post is understood. I wrote in another thread to Sheba that when I'm overwhelmed I want to shut down. I frequently know I don't function well or that if I didn't have this depressive nature I would not do some of the things I do. I look at me when I'm in that state and think I'm such a loser. Even some of the negative thoughts I have, those that keep me down, make me feel like I'm crazy and I wonder how I could have thought that!
Guilty! I didn't do the homework when I was up either, but the crash I had was bad. I am trying to remember to do the work even if I'm up (true I haven't had too much of that lately). I do recognize the tendancy to want to coast when I'm up. I don't know how far you are in the program, but keep trying. I have seen some progress by using it and plan to keep going over it until it becomes ingrained. This may take awhile!!!
Keep us posted on how you're doing, you are not alone.