Hi muggins,
Thanks for sharing these thoughts here.
As you mentioned, cyclothymia involves brief periods of experiencing emotional highs and lows. This can definitely have an impact on relationships as you mentioned in your post.
Treatment is available. Your physician will be able to address your medication concerns. As moderators we are not able to give advice regarding altering your prescribed dose. Your local pharmacist is also a great resource for prescription information.
You may find it helpful to keep track of your various moods and what is occuring at the time of the swings and other daily events that trigger a change. This will help you to identify various thinking patterns and behaviours linked to your mood swings. Our online program and the tools available here can assist you with this process.
You may also find it helpful to prevent frequent mood changes, by keeping as regular a schedule as possible, such as regular meal, activity, and sleep times.
Keep us posted,
The DC Support Team