Hi Becky,
Welcome to the site!
Please do not feel you have to go through this alone. Help is available.
You mentioned in your other post that you have already been to your family doctor. Please consider consulting with them again. Move up your appointment to as soon as possible to discuss all of these concerns.
There are several tools here that you may find helpful in assisting with your doctor's visit including the online depression test here. Many members here have found that it was helpful to initiate the discussion of their feelings.
Keep us posted,
The Depression Center Support Team
hey all, it's Becky again.
I forgot to post my diagnoses. I have major depressive disorder, dysthmic disorder and during a recent stay in hospital for almost 3 weeks, boderline personality disorder.
I have no outside supports, no support worker, or groups or programs to attend. my local hospital has denied me access to all psychiatrict services provided in the hospital. there is currently an investigation going on as a result of writing a complaint letter to the hospital.
any suggestions ?