Welcome and good for you for being active in your progress! Take the Depression Test and give a copy to your doctor to help better assess the situation and pinpoint areas that you want to work on.
Our program can be of great assistance to you and the members are outstanding with support and knowledge, they know what you are feeling :)
Post often and let us guide you through :)
The Depression Center Support Team.
Hi there, I'm 23 and a SAHM. I've been up and down for as long as I can remember and after the birth of my son just over 2 years ago I knew I had post natal depression but didnt want to admit it to the world. I didnt want people to think I was a bad mum or anything. Anyway, 2 years later I have another child who is 10 months and 7 weeks ago I miscarried twins at 11 weeks. I finally decided I best see a doctor as I was getting much worse and I finally admitted to my partner I wasnt coping with daily life. My doc put me on Zoloft which I've been on for a week and so far they havent done anything but she said they'll take 2-3 weeks.
I decided to start this program because I want to be able to help myself. I dont want to rely on meds for the rest of my life. I want to be back to my old self - well at least, I want something about me to be recognizable by me. I find it very hard talking to people about myself and especialy when I'm depressed. I feel I have to pretend I'm fantastic when inside all I want to do is curl up under a rock.
I guess thats enough about me for now. Good luck to everyone.