Thanks Danielle.I have registered with that site as well...but I don't know if it will help as I do not have urges or cravings for alcohol.But I will give it a try.Anything is better than nothing.I don't think I drink to cope with my problems....but it certainly does not help me either.
Hi Ann,
Welcome to the Depression Center!
Thank you for sharing your story with us. Do you think you may be using alcohol as a method of coping? We have a sister site that may be helpful to you: [url=][/url]
Start working through our program and navigate through our forums.
We are always here to help and answer any question you may have.
Keep us posted,
The Depression Center Support Team
Well I am new here.I don't really know where to start.I am here because I am tired of being unhappy & it has started to affect my life & I want to change that before it gets any worse.I think alot of my depression is due to stress ...mostly from my job.My job is nothing but stress to me.I hate it ,but I need it.There are alot of people at work I do not like being around & they drive me crazy & make it harder for me to do my job.
I don't have alot of friends I can trust & turn to.
In addition to my depression I also have some problems with alcohol.I don't see myself as an alcoholic...but I see it as a problem.I don't drink everyday....and I do not have to have it.I mostly only drink on the weekends & mostly only when we have friends around.But I tend to keep drinking even when I should of stopped a while ago.I tend to start fights with my husband after we drink(when I am sober we get along fine).I know that does not help my problems in any way.
This weekend was my wake up point.We were over our friends house & I made a big scene.I have probally lost the closest thing to a female b/f I have around here.She is not the most forgiving type of person.If she does I will be surprised.I feel like I am a horrible person.Especially for the things I say and do to my husband.He does not deserve it.I know he is getting tired of my episodes.I know I need to stop drinking.
I just want it to go away.I want to be happy & to feel normal.