thank you for sharing your story. we have a lot in common. i know what it is like to try medication after medication without good results, and to have family try but not be able to understand what is going on. my advice from my own experience is to just keep trying: try every medication and new doctors if you have to, try individual, group and couples therapy, try reading books and websites and try giving them to your friends and family to read, try any therapies you think might work and even a couple you don't think will work, try to smile or laugh as much as you can, even when you don't feel like it, and try anything else you can think of that you think has any chance of making you feel happy if only for the moment.
I know how hard it is to make any effort at this time, so remember to praise yourself for anything you manage to do to help yourself. i'll start: i'm proud of you for finding this website, signing up and writing your post. that took effort, and it proves that you want to get to feeling better and that you are trying to do just that. congratulations, and i hope you keep on trying and succeeding.
this too shall pass...