Hi, I'm new to this support group thing. I was trying to find some info about depression, and this site caught my eyes.
I've been suffering from depression.. for who knows how long. I never had an opportunity to be treated by professionals.
I have a very difficult family, especially my dad. I was beaten by my own dad ever since I was young for various reasons. Sometimes for not cleaning the room, talking back, but mostly because of my grade. I have always been a decent/good student with A/B average. But my dad never was satisfied with my grade. I moved from South Korea about 3 years ago. My dad started beating me up severely as soon as I entered middle school, where students gets class rank everytime they take test. After test, if the results weren't superior, I would call him and tell me what I got, and he'd tell me to go home and wait for him. He'd come home from whereever he was to beat me and my sister for bad grade. He hit me with his hand.. or whatever he sees around him. I remember him kicking me and just beating me up like no one should to anyone.
Not only beating, he always cuss me out and calls me names. He criticizes me in front of me. He'd call me whenever he gets into fight with my mom to criticize me and cuss me out. This abuse has gone on.. for a long time.
I'm 18, almost 19 now. He doesn't beat me up as much but he lately slanders me more (almost every time he sees me) because I'll be going to college next year. His cussing.. threatening.. calling me names.. yelling still continues.
I've seeked for help, about my depression before. But everytime I tried to talk to teachers.. counselors they didn't handle it so well. My parents were embarrased that I talked to them, and refused to get me any form of help.
Only hope for me was to get out of this house, and in half a year, I'll be out of this hell hole. Yet I'm just depressed as hell. I can't do anything. I cut myself severely and stopped doing everything I loved. I never vent. I don't cry. I don't talk to anyone about this. I act normall cuz I don't want anyone to find out about me being depressed. But it's just painful. I feel like dying every second.
I just needed to complain/vent a bit. Thanks for reading this tedious thread.