Hi everyone. I'm new here and like everyone else I guess I just wanted a place where people can understand me and not think that I'm crazy.
I've been depressed for a long time. I had a lot of family problems growing up. I'm 22 yrs old with two kids and married to someone who is a lot older than I am. I don't know where it all started. I feel like I've been getting into a lot of trouble either at home with my family or at work. At work people think I'm crazy, they whisper behind my back and make fun of me. I feel like I am starting to be crazy because I'm so paranoid about everything now. Everytime someone says something I always think they're talking about me and I worry about it for the whole entire day and I feel really sad and angry and alone. I feel like everyone hates me, it doesn't matter wherever I go they keep staring and laughing at me. And I don't know whether I'm imagining it or they really are saying mean things or if I should say something back or not say anything at all. And it's all my fault that they treat me this way. I feel crazy and that's what makes me scared.
Edited on 2/25/2005 @ 10:12:58 AM by The Support Team