Hi I have been on an SSRI and benzos and for me, I had a hell of a time coming off the SSRI and no problem at all with the benzo. I believe that if you are not abusing the medication dosage and are doing therapy (not solely depending on the medicine) you will be fine. Some of us need the meds as a crutch while we learn how to retrain our thoughts. Take Care
You may want to inquire with your pharmacist and doctor. They have a world of knowledge to give regarding dosages, side effects and so much more :)
Keep Strong,
The Panic Center Support Team.
thought i'd add to these thoughts. Benzos are in the same family of drugs as alcohol. if you are addicted to alcohol then you will absolutely love benzos and find you get hooked pretty fast.
i have that problem, being an alcoholic i can't take benzos for my anxiety although i used to. and stopping them was pure hell.
but i DO know lots of people who don't suffer from other addictions who can manage fine. again, they're not addicted to similar substances (sedative-hypnotics) like alcohol so they don't get addicted to benzos.
hope this helps/
Benzos can be very addictive.. It also depends on which one you are taking.I take xanax which I hear is the worst, but I just take it as needed. My doctor says never take it unless u really really need it and never up your dose because the anxiety is really bad.Thats where some people get into trouble.
Okay I know that Benzos can be addictive to some people. I was wondering if anyone knows how addictive they really are to somebody with an anxiety condition. They seem to be the only thing that works well with me. To tell you the truth i am getting tired of trying different meds and goign through the side effects over and over. If you think about it SSRI's are not addictive but have you ever tried getting off of one after a few months of use. It has withdraw effects they just call them withdraw syndrome. I would just like some peoples opinion on this. Thank you.