Few questions, when you stop being on the move, and go to sit down, and the dizziness/lightheaded feeling occurs, how do you deal/cope/challenge the feeling and thought right then?
If your letting it feed by getting scared or more panic prone or even jumping up to get distracted on the move again, your not dealing with it, your living with it.
If you wish to forgo meds, I think the best thing is to find a therapist that does CBT. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Its kinda hard to find these. But they help you to challenge and rationalize the feelings/symptoms until you can accept/not fear them and they go away. No symptoms will eventually lead to no constant thoughts. And vice versa. Im currently looking into this route, havent found one in my immediate area as yet, I have been able to somewhat control and accept it at home, but going out is a different story for me. I have been to numerous therapists, some very helpful, some not, but none have done CBT. From what I have heard and read, this proves to be the most effective therapy for panic, with less chances for relapses.
Wishing us all the best,