Hi Everyone, thanks so much for your posts. Meant a lot to me. I didnt think of it as just a bad day, everyone has them, probably all it was. It landed up to be a nice day the weather cleared into a gorgeous day yesterday. I played with my friends baby for about an hour while she had a rest, then came home and cleaned up for michelle to visit. We ordered pizza and watched some shows on HGTV. She told me all about her daughter and growing up in this area. It was refreshing to have someone else do the talking for once:) Then about 8:30 the neighbours called they wanted me to watch their baby for an hour, but then that was cancelled, so i just got into bed early and did some crossword puzzles, and had an early night. Thanks again for the posts:) You are all great friends to have:)
Well I am sorry to hear youhad a bad day. I do agree that you need to congratulate yourself on sticking it out though! Yay for you!!! As for beating yourself up, don't! We ALL have bad days! It means nothing, really. It can mean you needed to eat, you were tired or just plain having a bad day and that is ok. We are all human!
Somebody on this forum told me that at one point. That it is ok to have bad days and that everyone has them. It was such a relief to me! That thought had not even occured to me! I was not being "sick again" I was just being "normal"! Everyone has bad days, even people who don't have any mental illnesses! Now what a concept! It changed my whole view on things!
Anyway, enough of me blabbing about. I hope I did not sound preachy. If so I am sorry I did not mean to. Take care, be kind and patient with yourself, you deserve it! And enjoy your friend's company :)
Good for you for challenging and pushing forward. Continue with your plans for the rest of the week and you will fair well. Take the time to examine the triggers and pinpoint the areas of concern.
Relax as planned and enjoy.
Some times it feels as though when you have a bad day, you've taken a step backwards. But don't worry, every one has bad days.
Sometimes you can find triggers, like for me it's not eating or being stressed. Sometimes you can't find them so easily. Sleep's important, too.
The most important thing I find is to quickly put it behind you. Accept you had that bad part of your day and tell yourself it can only get better thereon. You're having a friend over and it's going to be good fun and a nice experience. Don't drag and well on what's happened.
Have a good night and I hope you have a great day tomorrow. In fact, make yourself have a good one.
You're right don't beat yourself up. Sounds to me like you just needed to eat. It's hard once we've had panic attacks etc. even normal sensations that other people feel..like dizzy etc. can set us back a bit because our associations with the feelings are negative.
Now we have to work on redefining the sensations...like that lightheaded feeling etc. Relabel it as a cue that it's time to have a snack maybe.
Its been ages since I felt panicky. I went out this morning with my neighbour to the park, I felt a bit dizzy. Then she dropped me at the library, I felt this feeling of panic welliing up in my throat at the back, but I still went in and dropped off my books and picked up 4 more, I basically wizzed around the area. I was going to take the bus, but didnt feel good, so I promptly walked home.
I feel ok now, I had some lunch, but I think i've done pretty well over the past few weeks, so I dont want to beat myself up over it, just try move along. Tomorrow I want to relax and watch a movie, and bake. Friday I have an appoinment at the gym. I want to be good for that. I have a friend over tonight, so i'm looking forward to that, its been a long time since I had a friend over, its my hubby that has a lot of friends over mostly.