Welcome to The Panic Center. We thank you for sharing your story with us today. This support group is full of supportive individuals who may be able to help you answer some questions regarding panic and anxiety. Have you are made an appointment to see a doctor. In the meantime please feel free to roam the site at your own pace.
If you look to the left of the screen under "TOOLS" you will find many supportive tests. These tests are not diagnostic tools and are not a replacement or substitute for a physicians advice.
The purpose of these tests is to prepare you with information that you can present to your physician. When you're finished the test, you can either print your Final Report or email it directly to your doctor. This may better help assess the situation.
We also have developed a Panic Program. This program is 12-weeks and involves the tools mentioned above. Each session is based on the previous session, so we strongly advise that you work slowly through the program and not jump ahead.
If you have any questions or concerns with our "TOOLS" you can contact our support department at
Take care and we hope to hear from you soon.
The Panic Center Support Team.
Ok, so i'm new at this whole thing. I went to bed tonight and was laying there in the dark and freaked out...So I take a valium to calm me down and somehow ended up wired out of my mind and came online and somehow ended up here...pretty cool website to see that there are others out there like me. Basicly I dont know where else to turn but medication. Doctors in my town dont understand and dont care really. i've spent the last 4 years without any medication vomiting every night and freakin out 24/7. I was almost at the end of my rope when i seen my doc. and he finally introduced me to the world of happy pills. i'm scared of pills so as u can imagine it makes me freak out to take one...sometimes they work sometimes they dont. i'm just kinda here. over the long period of being sick it has actually cause physical problems...such as IBS, acid reflux from vomiting and the lining in my stomach is irritated. i guess my only wish is to be free from the burden that has weighed on my shoulders for long enough. i dont know where to begin or how to help myself. i've given up on suicide, i'm scared of it too lol. the fear of whats on the other side gets me the most so thats not really an issue with me. I'm just tired of losing my family and friends over this curse thats haunting me. someone please help...i need a person that truly understands and can walk me through this.
I was just reading Jamisons post and it reminded me of a book my old therapist got me to read. I actually went out and bought it after I read it because I found it so helpful. It's called 'Boundaries' by Dr Henry Cloud and Dr John Townsend. If you have problems setting boundaries with people then this book is well worth a read!
I divorced my husband because his attitude (and presence) caused me more grief than comfort. I asked him to read up on anxiety because it's important to educate your loved ones regarding any disease you may be diagnosed with. But, as the old saying goes... you can lead a horse to water, but...
What you can do and what is in your control is to set boundaries with people, or decide that a relationship with them will not work and that it is unhealthy for you.
Thanks for the input guys i will try and ignore any more negativity but its so hard i always take everything personally i have to try and stop doing that but i really dont know how!Any advice would really be appreciated.
HI Lou,
There are often some people do not really understand what panic attack is. It's ok for them to comment whatever they want.
Dont let their comment make you down. it's not worthy.
And, do some meditation if possible, it helps anxiety or panic attacks.
Hi Lou,
I hate it when people have those attitudes!!! My (ex) best friend of 22yrs reacted in a similar way when I finally told her. She said 'it's okay, I don't mind if you're crazy'! Now how does that help anyone. Can you believe that happened three years ago and it still upsets me as if it had just happened!! I no longer have anything to do with her but that was because of some other things as well. With people who have that response now I just ignore them and think to myself that I'm glad I'm more open minded than them and just try to accept that they have obviously sailed through life and not had to conquer any battles therefore not getting any experience to be understanding. It's tricky, I think people should be accepting but in saying that we also have to accept that some people can't comprehend what panic means so they crack some stupid remark to try and cover their ignorance on the subject!
I was shopping with my husband and kids(Exposure)when we ran into some friends who we have known for 4 years and got along really well with they have kids similar ages to ours and we would go to BBQs and stuff with them i thought they of all people would be understanding we hadnt seen them for a couple of months due to my agoraphobia and avoidance but when i explained to her what id been dealing with she said 'god girl sounds as if youve gone skitz on us' so as you would imagine i went into panic and we had to leave.How do you deal with other peoples negative attitudes??