Thank your for this discussion-I only found this site accidentally a couple of days ago-and thought I'd give the program a serious try. I have been extremely fearful about driving for the last 6 years, in fact, I have only been driving again for the last 12 months.
I am naturally a "panicker" and have had various situations that have "terrified me" over the years (elevators, lifts, public speaking) only to find that they have, with the passing of time, gone away. Not so the driving.
Last year after not having driven for years my family decided to but me this expendsive, gorgeous sports car thinking that it would be the end of my problems. Of course they didn't understand- what I then had was a car, anxiety and now guilt. Every time I looked out into the street and saw this spanking new, shiny, car I felt even more dismal-a failure, a freak and a disappointment to everyone.
At least when I didn't have a car I had an excuse not to drive-now that was over.
My 16 year old daughter was keen for me to show off the car to her friends and begged and pleaded with me to drive she and her girl friends around-I was just so terrified and now embarrassed as well.
I had to confide in her that I had this problem with driving-she was sympathetic but confused. How could her mum (who can do heaps of other scary and more terrifying things) be frightened of something that seems so easy.
I needed to get into action.
I started by driving just very short distances (up and down my street)-saying to myself that I could stop anytime I wanted to. It has been slow progress (I have been doing it on my own-so very happy to have found this site).
I can now drive confidently to number of places (always down the back streets, out of the traffic)-but there are still a number of places that I avoid.
I am very excited about this program (I know from other things that this can be overcome)-I'm currently doing the exercise for the 1st session, ie spending 30 minutes a day "uncomfortable". Yesterday I drove down a main highway for 10 minutes, drove around an area I didn't know and then back again on the highway.It was fine.
My moniker is how I embarrasingly refer to myself when for the last 6 years I have had to ask my husband to drive me everywhere. I long to free of that. I believe