The First Day of 2002
By Maria
This is a tradition
Writing a past year€™s rendition
No fantasies worth looking at
Just these words about this and that
Been crying already today
Sad, all my seeds have blown away
Must work harder at being better
Like writing my cousin a letter
Many horrors I could reminisce
Yet, dreaming of new places is bliss
This year I must continue to forget
And scatter into the sea any regrets
For, I know the past is a pit if vipers, while,
The future is like a wind shield wiper
Cleaning, clearing, making way €“
For a vision of a brighter day!
The struggle is difficult, to let some legacies die
But when the hook sinks into my thigh
I scream out for my rhymes
Then strain to hear my wind chimes
The end is always nearer
When life seems dearer
We must let go of everything
To the truths of nature we must cling
My higher self answers to God
The lower of my self scrounges like a sot
It is in this struggle of life and death
The winds of the earth become my very breathe
Onward I will trod €“ bleeding, wondering, blessed
Tears never far away, waiting for the next test
I am tired, sweet Jesus, I know you see me
Just send me down enough strength, until I meet Thee.
Hope you liked it,