Hi Everyone,
First of all, i'd like to say how wonderful i think this site is. Its really nice to have the support, and also so many people who share the same experiences, who I can ask for advice from.
I was thinking that it might be nice to start a discussion about coping techniques, and other such tips that people have collected over time. This way we could all benefit from. To be honest, i've never really been told any, so I would love to have some ideas. (I mean things like breathing techniques, distractions, coping strategies, relaxation, etc.)
The only one i have to offer, is to wear a rubber band around your wrist. When you have an anxiety or panic attack, snap it, and this will get the blood and adreneline flowing, it also distracts away from what is going on in your mind. Hope this works for others!
So, if people wouldn't mind posting their tips, that would be great! :)