Angel i have been where you are and i can tell you i never thought i would ever feel normal again BUT i am here to tell you that i have been doing really good lately i have still been quite anxious and uncomfortable at times and have still had on average 1 panic per week but considering i was having around 3 a day and not going anywhere or doing anything i now take my kids to school and i even took them to the mall for the first time in months today yes it felt awful and i couldnt wait to get out of there but i did it and i think thats what it takes you really have to work at it and stay in the situation to prove to yourself that nothing is going to happen.
Alison the story of the girl with cancer is awful but the chances of it happening must be pretty slim so take peace from that just tell yourself to live for each day and enjoy what time we do have here thinking like that has really helped me.Take care.
Hi Angel! I have been where you are many many times. I know what it's like when people tell you to 'just stop thinking those thoughts' but it seems close to impossible. It's so sad to think how much health anxiety can steal from you. Even sadder is we can waste the years we are healthy convinced we are not. It's like a battle of your thoughts and it can be so exhausting.
This will pass- hang in there!
Take care :)
I'm having a bad day. I hate these stupid negative thoughts that occupy my mind 24/7. Why cant i be normal? why cant i think positive? i'm sick and tired of this. I keep thinking that i have cancer. And i keep convincing myself to believe it. So im just so depressed cause i cannot be strong or independent. I'm starting to wonder if this will ever pass. I have never been depressed before.......but i feel like i am now. i hate myself