Debbi ive your post from afar,and I was amazed on how you carry on each and every day.I know the symptoms are real,and everything feels like the worst.We are both living,ive had this 5 plus years and im still here,and I know we both will shine..
Maybe God picked for you to have this so you could help others,for whatever reason it came,and as quick as it came it will go you know that.You have somewhat normal day's so do I,and than its like someone turned out the lights,and your back into this funk.I hate how hard you are on yourself,your a soldier,in my mind,and make me want to get well.Youve proven to people who post here,or that browse here,that given up isnt a option..
About the prayer I typed it so quick I couldnt belive how fast my fingers moved,it was between God,you,and me.Im happy it was able to help you,and Thank you so much for praying for me.I suffer like you,but i know we will get better..God is great,and i wrote that from my soul i was happy you picked it up..
In the end things will get better,for every dark nights theres a bright day..May God Bless you Debbi!!!!Hugs..