Its weird I could tell you a a month and year and tell you what illness i had at that time.I dont know how that relates to anxiety,but its a offspring thats forsure..The attacks are hell,but why are we sick,and feel symptoms,and what is real what is fake..I go from heartburn for months,to heart related matters to my headache problems im having know..Im always checking my blood pressure its crazy i cant live life like this its way to difficult..Now im having head pain mostly in my left temple nothing seems to help it,and than again it moves to my neck,to back head middle etc..Than i see my blood pressure up..I feel sick with headaches is this all anxiety..I have been diagnosed with Gerd,but is it as bad i think or does the anxiety make me reflux more..My heart feels funny is it anxiety or is there a problem.Its hard because there is always a symptom of something daily for me,this is my lifew and its twisted how its going right now..i just want to know what kind of headaches are these seasonal,migraines sinus anxiety,tumor..Who knows the worrys and symptoms keep coming and im here for them to play tricks on,i just wish i knew what was made up?