Hey Gina i know how it goes sometimes I think i worry myself stupid..I get the thought process in my head and i run with it..Gina i know you can beat it your fighting you should just let it go over over you like water..Easier said than done..
Hey tex im aight i guess still worrying to much..
Hey Gina sorry your having a rough time i hope you feel better soon try and get plenty of rest with lots of positive thoughts we are here for you take care.
Lulu.. :)
hey gina, how's it going. i know exactly what your feeling. the last few days i have felt like i can't get a deep breath and yawn. woke up last night gasping for air after having a dream that i couldn't breath. then i realized i was just dreaming .. i hate those attacks at night. then the whole day seems to be messed up because you just don't feel right. like there has to be something wrong. talk to you later. how's outlaw been?
hi everyone i am so tired and i feel sick. i seen my counciler he made me feel better for a little while mentally but phyiscally i am beat down.i truly believe something is wrong. my tongue still hurts and my whole body aches. i have no energy. i left work early i just cant go on. support please! gina