My husband took my son and left he said that I cannot put them through or subject them to this any longer I cant believe it but then again I can perhaps it is better for my son not to see his Mother die. I am not any better, the antiobotic was bad I broke out in a rash and the ER told me not to take it, I have called 4 doctors on my plan and none will see me they said they are booked, I am shaking so bad my stomach is so queasy and my body aches, I do not know if I picked up a flu bug in the ER or its part of the UTI, the hospital said I must follow up with my primary but he cannot see me till Sept 3rd! I begged on the phone, my psych nurse even called their office but they said no. I am afraid to go back to ER they do not seem to believe I cant be seen till Sept, I do not know what is physical or what is emotional anymore, I keep waking up with sweating and chills but I have no fever, the UTI seems to be gone but I do not know, my primary will not even check my urine. I really feel like I am dying this time, my husband took my son our car the money and just left, I feel like I have an awful flu I cannot get dressed or hardly get out of bed, I do not know it its sickness or panic every bone in my body hurts and my stomach feels like its ready to fall out, I am so scared to be all alone even through my husband was not much help at least I had someone here and my son was the only one keeping me going, I just wish I could distinguish between whats physical or emotional, my husband told me I am never going to get well and I must want to die so just go ahead and do it, he is not an evil person he has just had enough, I want to take a Klonopin to calm down but I am afraid because of the Levaquin I took caused liver problems, what does it mean when your whole body aches and you keep vomiting, I know that cannot be a UTI. I am sorry, please pray for me I have to lay down I am so dizzy. Debbie