Hey Debbie!
How are you feeling? I have thrown up blood before. The doctor stuck a tube down my throat because I was having some other problems at the time with my stomach as well. He was a specialist of gastronomy and he told me that if you throw up blood it will either be an ulcer or a raw throat. He said that most times it is a raw throat. Don't worry about the blood I'm sure it's just from you throwing up so much acid, which has burnt your throat and made it raw. Because you said this only happens when you eat certain things, I definitely think it is some sort of acid reflux type thing. Be aware of what you eat that causes this and avoid it in the future. In the meantime, whenever my boys went to the doctors with a nasty tummy, they always say to eat the BRAT diet until they feel better. B - bananas, R - rice, A - applesauce, T - toast (BRAT) You don't have to stick to that particular diet, but basically it means you have got to eat mellow things for awhile so your stomach can heal. At least for a couple of days. Your body will heal if you let it.
Don't worry about the urine tract infection. Just take your meds and it will go away. I've had many, many, many urine tract infections and the meds always take it away. You'll be ok! I'm surprised they didn't just give you penicillin - that's what they always gave me and it always worked really well. But, take what they give you and it will work also.
I'm sorry you're having problems with your husband. It's so hard to get them to understand sometimes! I know it's hard to let go of money you don't have, but remember that your health is far more important than that money could -ever- be!! A urinary tract infection won't get better on it's own. You had to go to the doctor. Emergencies happen - that's just life! It's not like you wanted this to happen. Don't feel guilty for it!!