Hi Vickers and Gina, I went to the nurse-practioner that treated me when I thought I was pregnant back in April. My primary care again refused to see me, first a month ago they tell me to go to the ER when I had chest pains, I am shocked they told me to go again for a UTI! They said they were booked, my friend drove down there and was going to take me and the waiting room was nearly empty. I paid $150.00 for the office visit plus for the lab culture and full price for the script, needless to say I am very hurt and mad and my husband is furious that this could of cost a $10.00 co pay with perscription coverage. I have a urinary tract infection that the nurse thinks has possibly spread to my kidneys, they did tests and I have blood in my urine, that is what has been causing the back and pelvic pain frequent urination and fever. I am very grateful to the nurse for seeing me and treating me, my husband pays $420.00 a month for the insurance and is livid and of course is yelling and screaming and making me feel worse, I of course did not want to spend that kind of money we did not have, but I am so happy just to be treated. SHe put me on "Levaquin" its a 3-day antibotic, has anyone heard of this one?? I feel a little short of breath from it but I am trying to keep it down, the blood in my urine scares me and I know kidneys are important. I really hate to go to DOctors so I knew I was very sick this time to break down and go, the new med scares me Levaquin. Thank you so much VIckers and Gina for caring and your concern. This was really bad this time, the pain is pretty severe, hopefully this antibotic will clear it up. Please write when you can. God bless, Debbie.