Hi everyone
Thankyou for the
things u wrote it really helps i am cooler now i think when i get stressed up i do go all funny and hot but i really hate the way you can be allright one minute and sobbing you'r heart out the next i hate the way panic can just comeover you when you dont expect it i am also worried about the little pains i get in my leg and chest a little bit but hopefully things with inprove keep u posted thanks from kitten xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I was feeling this way all day yesterday and told my husband that I felt feverish and had a sore throat...and was convinced that I was getting ill...I think I was feeling this way because I have been feeling very anxious the last few days and have not been getting a good night's sleep:-(
Try to take it easy and relax....take a walk...read...hot bath...
I hope you are feeling better....
Hi everyone
hope u are all well i would just like to know if anyone gets hot and flushed i have been feeling hot for the last few days and it is worring me me i also get the feelings of beeing sick even though i have not done it yet this is on my mind a lot can anyone help ??????????????? :quest: