i want you to know that you are going to be oaky. you arnt going to die even though it feels like you are. you have to keep in mind that the thought of your heat just stopping is an anxious and irrational thought. you have to rationalized that thought by knowing that your heart will not just stop. i know its scary but know that you cant give yourself a heart attack. about feeling sick...i feel sick too...thats y im up at 6am right now shen i dont need to be. just know that this sick feeling is caused by the excess adrenaline produced juring a pannic attack or a high anxiety level. you will not get sick though. pannic and anxiety is uncomfortable and feels aweful but it will not hurt you. thats what they keep telling us in the pannic/anxiety support group i go to. knowing that these symptoms can not hurt you try to keep your mind busy. do somethig that involves concentrating and try to occupy you mind. i hope this helps. we re here if u need us.
freedom :)
Hello agian everyone
i needed to write because i am going out of my mind with worry my partner is in hospital at the moment which for me is bad because i feel alone and with happing panic attacks i always think i will die at the moment i hate the fact that when i am am resting and still i feel that my heart just stops and it feels like it dose this quite a lot. I always worry that my heart will just stop beating just like that i am so upsett and down over this :quest:i keep thinking that i will just die being on my own is so hard also has anyone had a feeling like you can't keep still and i also feel so sick at times like i am so close to being sick i need some help can anyone help me ?????????????/