Hi Jessica i too have just had a panic and now i feel all drained and really tired just ask yourself how many times have you felt this way and not pulled through i know its hard and i think but this time is different but reality is im gonna pull through this one aswell.I woke up today with the flu all achy and tense so of coarse being a 'panicker' i assume the worst thats where this site helps me i come here to see what works for some people and try it and just knowing that everyone here has experienced what im feeling helps too goodluck i hope you feel better soon.
hey everyone
i hope someone is out there to help me calm down. im panicing so bad right now. i dont know if this is from anxiety or what. all of a sudden it seems that my eyes are foggy or some what blurry. its freaking me out. im thinking the worst(brain tumor ; aneurysm)
omg i hate this feeling. can someone get back.thanks