Dear Vickers, I am sorry I did not post a reply earlier, I did not log on for a few days, my brother's fiance is in the hospital, very very sick, and my husband and I have been on the outs this week, HECTIC!! I am SOOOO very happy about your test results! I knew it was not cancer, I will have to research that polyp, I believe that is what was causing the bleeding, I know they feed off estrogen so that is why the Doc is putting you on progesterone, probably to dry or "starve" it without estrogen the polyp with evaporate, thats good news! I am so happy for you. I hope your ankles are better, sitting at a desk will do that, they say to get up and walk around once every hour or so and wiggle and stretch your feet and legs when sitting at a desk, also the hot weather will make ankles swell, I do not think its anything to worry about, you could always take a mild diretic {probably spelled wrong} to get rid of the water, I retain water too. Let me know how you are and how the progesterone is, I like progesterone it makes me sleepy and calm, the estrogen makes me queasy and irratable, and thats the natural kind, could you see me on hormones!Whoa! God bless you, sending prayers, Debbie.