Hi Lauren02,
Your local pharmacist may be able to shed some more light on your medication options if you find that you are not getting the answers you are looking for from the doctor.
The Panic Center Support Team
So, if I am pregnant (I hope) my docs want me off the zoloft. They said they can do wellbutrin and buspar. Now, I am starting to think I should just wean off the zoloft and use nothing. My docs said that it would be safer for me to go back on the zoloft after my first trimester. So maybe I should would it out. My husband had a bad experience with wellbutrin. He took it to quit smoking and he thinks it made him anxious. That is not what I want. I just worry about anxiety with this pregnancy because of my miscarriage. But then again, I have heard that some people's anxiety gets better when they are pregnant. Hormones I guess. I hate to go on and on about this but having a baby is very important to me. Maybe I should wait til I have a positive test and not just a faint line. I just don't know what to do and the docs are no help. They act like its all up to you because they don't want to get sued. I just want a honest opinion. AAAHHH.