Hi bygrace,
It is great to hear that you were able to enjoy yourself!
Take care,
The Panic Center Support Team
We went out last night to a Casino Night at the club and they had free dinner wine and beer. I have posted that I can not drink at ALL because it makes my anxiety horrible and it also keeps me up all night.
I stuck my Xanax in my purse just in case!
We went for many hours with people and noise and commotion and had a WONDERFUL TIME!!!!! Not only did I never have a single anxiety thought, but I drank a few....(blush) glasses of wine, still did great and came home and slept like a dream! The alcohol did not up my anxiety or even cause me to feel on edge at all.
I am certain it is this dosage of the Lexapro (and of course the Grace of God) that is working for me.
It is just 20mg and I pray it last and it is all I will need.