Hey Mo!
I had a problem with a tingly left arm (still do) and it would get so bad that it felt like my shoulder would go numb all the way down to my fingers. It got to a point that my ear and side of my face would also go numb. I went to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack or a stroke and they told me that it was actually my back. I sit in an office all day and sitting is really hard on your back muscles. Apparently, the nerves in your back affect a lot of other muscle groups that you wouldn't think had anything to do with it.
Anyway, do a lot of stretching! Roll your head down the front and around the back a few times in both directions. Scrunch your shoulders up to your ears and hold it for a few seconds and then let your arms drop and hang loose and do it again. Stretch your arms over your head a few times. Also, twist and hold it in both directions for a few seconds. I still have to deal with this every day, but it is getting better. As soon as I feel that tingling coming on or a sharp pain in my left arm, neck or shoulders, I know my back is freaking out so I stretch and stretch and it starts to go away.
Hope that helps! :)