You arent going crazy!! Many people have this overwhelming fear of disease, and while it would seem natural to look up the symptoms on the internet to "ease" your mind, its the worst thing you can do. For people like us, we will read this information and really believe we have one of the symptoms listed, or even worse. Anxiety does produce an overwhelming fear for our health, and for me, at times it paralyzed my life. Finally, after years of existing and panicking on a daily basis, and feeling that I had every symptom of every disease (and having odd physical symptoms) My doctor (bless his heart) put me on xanax, which totally changed my life. I was finally able to be "normal" and have some peace. Im on maintenance meds now, and once in a while I get very fearful, and sometimes I laugh in the shower because I really do believe I have cancer in 3 places in my body at one time. Im sitting here right now with pain under my ribs, and now I am convinced I have something terrible brewing. I just found out this condition is called somatization, and I have been reading up on it. Some people have phobias about elevators, spiders and all kinds of things. Its kind of like we have a phobia about our health turning bad. Dont be afraid. Please get to a Dr. as soon as you can. If you are crying, you might be a little depressed too. One of the best books I ever read on Panic, which is loved by many is by Claire Weekes, "Hope and Help For your Nerves". Try and get it. That book calmed me down alot.....hugs.....