I am taking zoloft and I like it alot. In the beginning, I had nausea and a hard time sleeping. But it did go away. Sometimes though, I didn't know if those symptoms were from the meds or the anxiety! Just remember the symptoms wills go away. Good luck
i took zoloft for a long time. i had no problems with it at all. the only thing i can remember was a little trouble sleeping at night and feeling tired alot and dry mouth. but they didnt last longer than a week or so.... i am terrified of starting new meds.. i actually went to the doc today because my panic has gotton out of control (stopped zoloft and they came right back) my doc wants me to try somthing called celestra i think is what it is and he wants me to use klonopin with it. im really scared. i hate wondering how its gonna make me feel so ive been sitting here staring at my new pill sitting beside me here trying to get up the nerve to take it because i know i will start panicking as soon as i do.
I am suppose to start taking Zoloft soon. :quest: I was wondering if anyone could tell me any thing about it? Side effects, your experience with it, ect.... I am also getting off paxil...Not really looking forward to that...