Hi Gina, Thank you so much for checking on me and being concerned. It is so good that you can go out and work, I wished I could, you are strong and brave to that and I am so impressed, I know it must be hard at times. I have been feeling very bad, I just got off the phone with my nurse-practioner she said to take a 1/2 of a Klonopin now and a whole one before bed, I have been shaking and crying all day, I am worried that whoosing and heartbeat sound in my ear is a tumor or high blood pressure, I have heard through many people have it its called "tinntus" it is SO constant and annoying, I also am 5 days late for my monthly and I am afraid I am pregnant or have cancer or something, I am 43 years old so a pregnancy would not be good! I took my Zoloft but that just seems to make me more nervous, I am so afraid I am dying of something I can barely function, I hope the Klonopin may take the edge off and help me relax so perhaps I will start my monthly, I have a husband who works shift work and a special-needs son and no family or car, few friends, I actually feel like I will not live much longer and I so want to be rid of that fear, the late period and ear problem have escalated my panic so bad and I must care for my son I hate to have him see me like this. You are so kind and compassionate Gina, I hope you are doing well and having a good day. Looking forward to hearing from you after work. If anyone has been through these things any replies would be so welcome. Thank you, Debbie.