ok ive got posts on here im 25 yo male,panic disorder 5 years and going xanax 1 mg 2 times a day..well i didnt get much sleep i had to babysit my kid,and i probally slept like 4-5 hours i usually i get my 8 hours..well luckily i was at my moms when this anxiety attack from i dont know what came over me..im still recovring from it man im drained physical,and mental..i thought i was going schizo ok,ive had every attack i thought in the book,but this was diffrent by the way mine last like 7 hours to days on end to a week,of just feeling bad get my drift..usyally racing heart,thinking my heart is bad,or just feeling not comftorable in my own skin,like i gotta curl up in a ball im so uptight and do the breathing thing too..ok first can panic last that long i read it can only last like 20 minutes why does mine diffrent,maybe its something else like maybe im crazy???so today i had nausea,and than my vision was crossed eyes,breathing,racing heart stomach pain,feling like i was going crazy,really crazy,crying,couldnt come down it took like 2 hours till it eased up,i was still wrapped up for 8 hours after..i have a app wedensday,thinking maybe lexapro,but i cant handle the side effects of the others but life shouldnt be lived the way i am now..the strain on my family is just to dang bad..is there anything i could take wuth the xanax lexapro or is that enough?i just cant find a comfort zone why are mine lasting this long,is the xanax same dose 3 years just played out..any ideas help..