Hi Katie,
Unfortunatly Psychologists are not covered, but phsyciatrists are. You can be reffered to a psyc. through a family physician. They dont do CBT but they know alot about these mental disorders and about meds.
Hey fellow cannucks!
I am seeing someone at a clinic called CBT and assc. I am newly here from the states and had a hard time finding a clinic. However it is not free. Does anyone know of a way to find a pyscologist that is covered by ohip? I don't have any medical benifits in the line of work I am in? I am an independent contracter (work for myself)
Hi Fellow Canadians:
Its nice to here from my neighbours, I also live west of Toronto and am on the waitlist for McMaster University in Hamilton. I hear it is really good.
HI anxietyandme,
I live just west of Toronto. I have found 2 books so far at my local chapters, they do have them and may have to order them in but you wont pay american $$. I have from power to panic by Lucinda Basset and another one..forget the name. They both helped a lot. I know that mcmaster university in Hamilton has a special anxiety and panic disorder group which I have signed up for but it takes a few months cause they are soooo busy...I went on the website macanxiety.com that site also has other anxiety clinics in Ontario listed so you might want to check that out. The one i was accepted to is free...but you have to be reffered by your doctor. Hope that helps.
Just curious?
I realise V.C.C Head Office is in Toronto.
I live in Northern Ontario, pretty much in a small town 2 hours from Toronto..... No specialized treatment is available anywhere near here. So I visit a Dr. once every 2 weeks, we do have a local family physician in town.....but I rely on things I try or do at home in between......
Any tapes I have ordered for relaxation etc.have come from the U.S......I can't find anything local other than books and even Chapters does not stock a number of the books I want on Panic and Anxiety....
Has anyone else had any luck with finding Canadian products???? Last time I ordered a product from the U.S I paid 110.00 for duty, G.S.T and shipping....
It was worth it, but thought perhaps someone knows of a resource SOMEWHERE in Canada.