Good Evening,
It is really important to talk to your doctor. If you leave your doctor's office with questions unanswered then turn around and go back! Remember, this support group is to help individuals increase their knowledge on anxiety and panic.
Please continue to post your questions and concerns. There is always someone listening!
Take care,
The Panic Center Support Team
Bless your pharmacist!!! Can you imagine how many would just fill the prescription without asking the diagnosis? I often ask my pharmacist many questions about my medicines, and call often if I need to take Aleve, or any other OTC medication as to how it would affect it, as Im leary of starting medications myself.
for everyone out there never be afraid to question or ask questions about the meds you are on or if your dr. wants to change you to something else. my dr. because of the panic disorder wanted me (was insistant) that i try a drug called amitriplyline. he said it would help my panic. i was reluctant but i went ahead and filled the prescription. when i went back to get it the pharmacist had a long talk with me. asked what i was taking it for and i told him for panic. i was told that he strongly suggested i not use it. it seems if you have a irregular heart beat it makes it worse, extremely dry mouth which fluids wont help, and being over 60 years old it would make me dizzy and sleepy. also this med isnt for panic. needless to say i got my money back. the pharmacist told me he knows his meds and had worked in nursing homes enough to know what it does to older people. im telling you this so that you will know that its a good idea to question about what you are taking if you have any doubts. i could of ended up in e.r.