Hi Blondie,
I get the jaw and neck pain also. This happens when my anxiety and panic is at its worst. I was scared when it first started happening to me but now i have figured out what causes it. I caught myself clenching my teeth and jaws together so tightly that it caused them to ache. I'm sure this is probably whats happening to you too. You may do it subconsciously and not even realize it. I was. I just really paid attention to it and finally figured it out. I haven't had the pain anymore since i made myself stop doing it. Try to relax all the muscles in your face and neck for a day or two and maybe it will go away. I know how scary new aches and pains can be.
Good luck to you. I hope this helps you, if not see your doctor and maybe that will ease your mind.
Samantha :)
We anxiety and panic sufferers are very sensitive to all of our bodies physical sensations. Unfortunately we always assume that the pain is from some dreaded illness or heart troubles. My partner asked me to try and remember all of the aches and pains I had before the anxiety and panic took over...well guess what? I had all of the same pains the only difference was is that I didn't freak about it. I have my moments but I can usually attribute my pains to some physical activity I was involved with earlier. I do want to include however if you feel something is not right with your body you should always seek medical advice or attention. I have been through that many times and discovered that nothing was wrong but I am glad I did have things checked out. It helped me in my recovery to know that all of my systems were working. I hope this helps you out.
Hi again! Lol I am just wondering if anyone ever gets this from anxiety my jaw kinda hurts and my side of my neck does...Its just the right side mainly. Its weird but i am kinda freeking out. I think it is because i am really stressed. I have been working out and i went swimming last night so i may have pulled a muscle. Do you think i am ok? I am worried that i am having heart problems or something like that. Please help! Thanks a bunch!
P.S. Happy 4th of July!