I was basically housebound for 6 months. A lot of horrible stuff happened, we lost our insurance and our income. We had to move in with my mother in law and I started getting samples from my doctor or zoloft and am taking Xanax as well, how much depends on the day.
The last two weeks, I have gone bowling, mini golf and even eaten at a resturant(though a not very busy one) a couple of times. The problem is my husband is slowly losing patience with me. He feels like my fear of going to a movie or picking a certain time to try things is a power struggle, when all it really is, is a comfort factor. I've made it to the theatre a couple of times but haven't made it in yet. It's where I had probably the worst panic attack of my life and I'm terrified.
Unfortunately I seem to be getting little support here. He is starting a new job on Monday and I will be stuck at home with his mother who does nothing but put me down (with a smile on her face). I feel like my marriage is falling apart and if I wasn't so afraid of whatever happens when you die, I would consider that option.
When the person you love most in the world, can't even recognise that you have a serious illness what are you to do? I've asked him to do research, but he is either incredibly lazy or unwilling to even bother. The real problem is, except for this he is a really sweet guy and honestly probably deserves better then me.
On a side note, I moved to the United States to be with him, I have no family or friends here and basically feel very alone and scared.