Hey Phoebe,
Sometimes on anniversarys of high anxiety periods, seem to taunt us each year, because we anticipate it. Also, there is so much stigma with more worrying about withdrawing from benzo's, that alot of doctors are very, very undereducated in dealing with withdrawl from SSRI's, actually withdrawl symptoms from SSRI's mimic panic, and it can last up to a year. So people think its a relapse when it is truly withdrawal syndromes from the SSRI's. I belong to a site with a discussion with a doctor who has treated panic disorders for over 20 yrs, and often speaks about this, he is stating that SSRI's cant be beneficial, but in his experience in his practice, the withdrawal effects are worse than getting off a benzo and takes much longer. Just a thought there.
So very many of us grieve for our "old self", and remember all the things we werent afraid to do, what we could do, etc. Finally you dwell on it so much, the depression sinks deeper and anger is replaced. I went through this period, but I finally resigned myself that I have to do something myself, medication, exposure therapy, etc, and you will find a part of your old self back, and as you continue, more and more of you returns, you have not lost who you are, you just feel it temporarily. You are still the same person with the same hopes, dreams, etc-remember you have a disorder but you are NOT the disorder.