I'm very sorry to hear that your family is not supportive. I kind of know what that's like, but not to the extent of your situation. My dad also suffers from panic attacks and my mom is not very supportive of him or me. I mean, she'll go with us to the doctor, but it's got to be more, you know? One time she told me to "suck it up". I was so stunned that she said that. Fortunately for me, I haven't lived at home for several years. It's tough, but it makes me doubly grateful for the support I do have, which, like you often comes from people at work. I don't think it matters where it comes from just as long as it comes from somewhere.
I haven't been a part of this site for very long, but they people here are great and they definitely know what you're going through, and it seems like there's always someone to talk to at anytime of day.
Take care!!!!