Thank you thank you thank you for the replies. It helps to know I am not alone. It's so hard to concentrate on things and I don't feel like anything is real (including myself) kind of like a "not with it" feeling. This is so frustrating. I am going to see a therapist in 2 weeks. (which feels like forever) I just feel like I can hang in there. :(
I hate feeling like this!
Welcome Mom2Jasper! I've been *****y and anxious alot more than usual too. And confused, and today ..and I did post about this, I couldn't concentrate or keep a thought either. My hands wouldn't coordinate with my brain. I thought I was having a stroke. It happened twice today. You're not alone. I think I've felt every possible feeling and symptom there is.
I'm holding on till Monday and then I take my 2nd trip to my new therapist. I can't wait to share the anxiety test with him and discuss this support group.
Have you seen a therapist?
Yes I can relate. I've never had such horrible concetration or memory loss ever then I'm experiencing right now. I get angry alot too, I feel angry that this illness destroyed me & I've been angry at alot of other things also...
I wish I could be the outgoing, confident person I used to be...I feel alone too.
I'm not going to lie I feel kinda like a hyprocite for saying this but don't feel like you'll never get better. Everybody tells me I will but it's easier said than done isn't it?
I'll tell you one thing- I play the Lottery here- same numbers, each drawing a week(2 draws)-If I ever hit it the 1st cause I'd donate too would definitely be the ADAA! :)
Has anyone ever felt like this? I feel like I am really going crazy. I cannot concentrate on anything, I have random scary thoughts, I fear insanity, I feel like I am on the verge of "snapping" this is so scary. My panic attacks haven't been so bad lately but I have been angry and anxious lately. I feel so alone. :(
I'm never going to get better. :mad: