This is a problem for me right now, too. Every little twinge, stretch, tingle, any sort of sensation in my body, makes me pause and wonder if it's the panic coming on. And you can't run from your own body unfortunately. I have decided that I cannot continue to worry about each little thing my body does, I will drive myself nuts. After all it's alive and those movements or sensations that I feel are not going to go away. I know that they have been there all my life, I think I notice them now because I am looking for signs of panic. I have decided that when I feel a sensation of any sort I will stop momentarily, actually notice it and feel it, and then I'm going to assume that ALL sensations are just symptoms of anxiety. All sorts of sensations are caused by anx. I have been doing this for a few days now, and it's getting a little easier. I'm still not comfortable with the idea, but I am doing it anyway. If I fall down dead from a symptom, that's when I will know I wrong about it! LOL! I don't know if this is the right approach or not, but I do know that I will never rest or have peace as long as I stress over every little stupid sensation. I hope this helps you, I feel for you, I am in the same leaky boat!