I am new to the panic supprt group. I have a wonderful nurse-practioner who has helped me get my life back to some sort of normal. I started on Regular Paxil about 2 years ago then she switched me to Paxil CR 25 milligrams. It worked very well. Because of some weight gain and tiredness she wants to change me to Lexapro. But she wants me to take them together for a while, 12.5 paxil and 10 mils of lexapro till I wean off the Paxi in about a month. My question is are they safe together?? I have always heard taking twoo SSRI'S at the same time can cause serotonin Syndrome, my nurse who is wonderful assures me that will most likely not happen. Has anyone taken these two meds together ex; weaning off paxil to lexapro at the same time? I also take 0.25 mils of klonopin at night to relax and sleep better and I take it when I must go out to a function that causes me anxiety, I try to keep the klonopin dose VERY low because I understand their addictive qualities. I guess I am nevous about serotonin syndrome, I wish I had never read about it or heard about it. If anyone has taken both for a short period of time please let me know. I have heard great things about lexapro, but nervous about "leaving Paxil" since it helped control the panic disorder and agorophobia, Thanks!