I too was suffering from all day anxiety. Unfortunately, my attempts at trying to help myself ended up allowing things to get worse and then I added depression to my list of problems. I am now on Lexapro for depression and Xanax extended release tablets for anxiety and panic. I am not happy about it, but both conditions are chemical imbalances, much like high blood pressure or diabetes, both of which must be treated with medication. I hope to be free of the meds someday, but they have turned my life around. I too was free of anxiety at home, but then one night, very late, I had the WORST panic attack I had experienced and right in my own bed - I started shaking uncontrollably and ended up in the ER only to be completely calm and asleep by the time the doctor got to me to tell me I had had another panic attack. Shortly after that, the depression set in as I had no "safe" place to go anymore and it was more than I could take. Please don't let yourself get to that point. The meds aren't fun to adjust too, but they are far better than the point I was at! Take care and keep posting, I'll check back!