thanks to both of you for your response. jamie i am on clonazapam .5 at nighttime and half a tablet in the a m which is not a whole lot. i used to be on ativan and it really helped. but my dr. wanted to simplify my meds as i was taking the clonazapam at night and the other during the day as needed. i am so thankful for this sight and have just started my lessons. thanks again to both of you
All is cool! I once read a book (can't recall title) which eased my mind about this topic. I made notes. The book said:
The physical symptoms are not directly damaging to your health. This is an important part to grasp as one of the greatest fears for panic sufferers is that the attacks themselves are doing them harm.
i had a really rough day yesterday. woke up at 4:30 am with a panic attack.tried to ignore it but wouldnt go away. got up and took my pill. still would not go away so took another one. my heart beat was 140 and blood pressue was up plus all that goes with it. they say you cant die from them but isnt it extremely hard on your heart and body? starting to wonder if my meds need to be changed. i was dreading getting up this a m afraid of having another one. the one yesterday stayed with me most of the day. my stomach from my bellybutton across my left side gets a very nervous feeling and it reallybothers me. anyone else have this? well heres hoping for a panis free day for all of us.