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Nocturnal panic attacks

for 21 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Jamie and Gerry, thank you for your responses. Jamie, I can't take any beznodiazepine because I am doing my CBT so this is just out of the question for me. Gerry, I will try the methods you describe. I have also noticed that whenever I work out during the day, I sleep much better. "Troubles shared are troubles halved" Thanks again for your support, guys:) Iwona.
for 21 år siden 0 37 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Iwona, You have come to the Queen of Nocturnal Panic Attacks! I was diagnosed in 1962 (yes that long ago), as having Night Terrors and have had them on and off for the last 40+ years. I have had on/off depression and anxiety for the last 20 years, but as long ago as 1962 I can remember waking up after sometimes only half an hour of sleep in a state of terror. I was treated then with Mogadon sleeping tablets (oh my!) My 'night terrors' or as we now call them nocturnal panic attacks, have changed over the years. I now wake up on the verge of a panic attack and have to wait for the symptoms to rise up so they have changed somewhat and I also now have severe derealisation and depersonalisation problems that go with them. I am also going through my menopause which probably does not help. Nocturnal panic attacks are nasty because they sneak up on you when you are least expecting them. I can go two three nights without one and I think, 'ah have I cracked it?' and back they will come. The best thing is to have a routine. I rarely go to bed too early or too late and make sure that for the last half an hour I am tired but not exhausted. I usually read or play solitaire on the PC. I take up to bed water and my faithful indigestion tablets because with my panic attacks I get dreadful stomach cramps. I always have music on the radio and plenty of fresh air coming in the bedroom. Have a nice long soak in the tub with herbs and oils and the last thing I try to do is go to sleep thinking of something good! My doctor assured me at the sweet age of 13 that I would grow out of them, well not quite they just evolved. By the way, I have 85% of my panic attacks at night!! Hope you find something that works for you - Gerry
for 21 år siden 0 147 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I use to have this happen to be sometimes. It was usually when I was overly tired and stressed. I would just fall asleep and then suddenly jump up looking around the room all freaked out and it would happen like 15 different times. Have you talked to your doctor about taking Xanax before bed? It would probably help you.
for 21 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Guys, for some time I have been suffering from nocturnal panic attacks, in addtion to my diurnal ones. My doctor told me they would lessen in intensity if i exercised (i try to do this regularly). But sometimes I just don't believe they're panic...I am on the brink on sleep, almost asleep really, and I wake up terrified, with heart beating really fast and loud. Do any of you have any experience of nocturnal panics and how do you cope with them? and also, what are your symptoms of them? please, let me know, Iwona. PS. i don't have any physical disorder of the brain.

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