Most of us who suffer panic attacks feel this way. We are all convinced that when we are in the middle of an attack that the palpitations, shortness of breath, unreality, even in my case a feeling that life was slipping away, are the symptoms of dying. But after enduring panic attacks for almost 20 years, I am still here, you are still here! Learning to understand the physiological changes that occur when we are having these attacks, helps lessen the fear. I understand now about the blood chemistry and the change that takes place when we hyperventilate (breath shallow too fast breaths). These changes produce weird and almost out of body type symptoms. We all have to learn to re-educate ourselves and learn not to be afraid of these symptoms. By slaying the dragon, so to speak, we then can face our fears and realise that they are not the product of a sick body, but harmless symptoms of our innermost fears. I can list at least 5 other symptoms that I have when I am having a panic attack that are not listed in the main symptoms written by doctors and the like. My stomach from the inside goes numb and cold, this spreads down my legs and so on...We all seem to have different symptoms but they all link to the one thing, we all suffer from panic attacks that will not kill us! Hope this helps.