Glad to hear this it may be as simple as no more smoking. I tell you, while lots of people I knew way back when, slowly but surely started just "saying no" it wasn't till we were a little older than you that we felt comfortable in sharing why we didn't smoke anymore. We would laugh when we would talk about all the feelings it brought on not realizing we weren't the only ones. It was nice to hear we weren't alone. So happy for you that you probably found your answer.
Bonnie ;)
Hi Bonnie,
As for the smoking part...i think that you are right...Because since i stoped smoking, and because i was smoking a lot, i had a rough month but afterwards i became better with time. Besides the panic attacks i feel better now and i think that maybe you are right...maybe it was this stupid thing that brought me panic attacks. Only thing left to do i guess is to be strong and hope that by time this will all pass. Thank you bonnie for your reply!! :)
Hi Gary,
I can relate to all the feelings you have specially the "waiting" for it to happen again. I have to tell you...I wonder (and this may be good news) if it was just a reaction to what you smoked and soon you will stop worrying about those feelings since they won't come back? I say this because many, many years ago, I used to smoke too, until it started not being fun anymore. Most of the people around me hit that point too. And what wasn't fun is feeling all the stuff you described most of the time when smoking. We all would laugh when we shared that we had quit for that same reason. It wasn't until many, many years later that I started having real anxiety and panic and don't let that worry you. I have just about every "background" reason in all the books that pushes me toward the possibility.
Hope with time (and no more smokes) you feel back to yourself.
Hello everyone!
My name is Gary and i am a 22 years old male. I am currently studying at a University in UK. ABout 1,5 month ago after smoking a couple of ca**abis cigaretes and went off to bed i started to realise that something was wrong. I started shaking and all of the symptoms of a panic attack occured. But the thing is i didnt know of my condition. I started beeing afraid that something was gonna happen to me and that im goin mad. From then on for about 3 weeks i was like these everyday. Finally i talked with a doctor and he explained to me about panic attacks. Than i researched a bit myself and found out what is this all about. Now i feel a lot better than how i was before. :) But the thing is that the thought of havin another one or the thought that i constantly think about panic disorder all day long really starts to get on my nerves. Anyways although my panic attacks decreased i still have a feeling of unreality every now and then. And that is SCARY! For me at least. I mean i just sit arround there and watch TV or a movie and all of a sudden i get a feeling that everything arround me isn't real that i am not real or that my life is the same and same like a movie and start gettin depressed and scared, have a feelin that i am getin crazy and of course get panicked. Does anyone else feel that? And if you have any suggestions i am open. Thank you all in advance.