Thanks for the info..I knew I could count on you to come back with a quick response..Going to look for the book on amazon and see if I can get it for my kindle..See you later Hugs...and thanks for lightening my mood..You are a dear friend..
"Preparing for Surgery" by William Deardorff is out of print, but probably in a library, or available used on popular websites. Or you can contact him in California, and he might have copies.
One book described how to measure readiness for hospital stays, through a bunch of tests, including anxiety. But when you gotta go, you gotta, as they say
It does seem that being in ill health is a major trigger for anxiety and panic for me these days..I was in the hospital again for several days with the stomach flu..Doctors, nurse's, needles, IV's, test and more tests and such..I am home and on the mend again anxiously waiting for calls with test results..More appointments for next week..Gastro, Cardiac, sleep apnea, sleep studies, integrative medicine will it ever end. The anxiety and panic is building..The bp is out of site..I hope I am well enough to make it to all these appointments..So much on my plate and I am so sick...How ironic....
I was glad they admitted me to the hospital for treatment but I was even happier to leave this learning hospital.and stop the panic..I sure hope I do not have to go back. I wish there was more compassion there and in the doctors would really help make it less scary and I wouldn't be so sad...