Red its so awesome to read when someone is feeling calm and content......I honestly can't wait for those days!!! I will work so hard on the program to get there.......Thanks for sharing, it really helps me a lot as I am trying to journey my way through!!!
Today I went out for a walk and was out most of the day, 9 hrs that is..I know I said I wasn't going to over due it and I am still working on it..I did come home when I had all I could take for the day, of course I am a bit tired because I pushed it to far again..
Tomorrow I have a class from 1pm to 4pm. I was invited to come early if I want to and make a day of it..That would mean getting there at 830 am instead of 1 pm and staying until 4 pm for my "getting to know your new sewing machine class". I am tempted to make a day of it but know that I am just to tired to be in class for 7 1/2 hours straight right now..So tomorrow I am going to try and resist and do what it best for me and that is to not over do it again..Go to the one afternoon class and maybe next month try doing a all day class if I am rested and ready for it..Don't bite off more than I can chew again and listen to my mind and body this time..I can always do it next month if I want to..I can leave the house again. I can..
Well I already take two quilting classes a week and am feeling overwhelmed with that...Sometimes I wonder what I am thinking when I let myself do all this stuff..I am just one person..Actually sometimes, I think that I think I am two and I am tired of arguing with myself..:):) LOL
Well, I'm not sure what I think about it either. But, I'm going to do an experiment on myself and remain in bed and push through uncomfortable physical feelings and see, if over time, it works for me. I do have a fan, but my room is on the West side of the house (where the sun sets) and I also have double thick curtains to try to keep the Florida sun out, so it won't bake my room like an oven, but it doesn't really work. My parents keep the house at 74 degrees and I'm used to 72, but tolerate the higher heat. My parents originally had the house set at 77 and I told them I'd have to go back to Maryland if they kept it that hot, because it was impossible to sleep. Eventually, it will cool off down here, during the winter months, and I plan on keeping my bedroom window open all day to cool my room temperature down. So, when I have to close the window at night (my parent's have a Brink's Security System), I should sleep more comfortably. I think I'll be able to establish a healthy sleeping pattern during the winter and hopefully, it will continue as the temperature gradually heats up to summer time heat. Thanks for your help. I value and trust your thoughts and opinions and I'm grateful for your insights.
Ashley - there's a question for you at the bottom of this post :)
I just wondered how everyone's sleep has been going? Last night I laid down for a half hour and then got up, then I was able to fall asleep for about 5 1/2 hours, then I got up. I was really tired and, because of the Vet appointment this afternoon, I knew I needed more sleep in order to drive. So, I laid down again and I just am too hot (my room is hot and my hormone imbalance makes me hot and causes me anxiety) and my heart is beating fast. I, literally, forced myself to stay in bed, as uncomfortable as I was, and forced myself to stay there until I fell asleep for 2 or 3 hours. I got up at 10 a.m. feeling human again and knowing I can easily drive the dogs to the Vet. I just don't like driving when I've not had enough sleep, and I don't, because I don't want to fall asleep driving. It's too dangerous. So, I pushed through the anxiety of wanting to get up and it worked. So, I'm wondering if it's just better to do that every time and eventually my body will just ignore the uncomfortable feelings and let go and sleep. Ashley, I'm wondering if getting up, is avoidance of sleep?
Today I decided to lighten the load a little on this type A person. I did what I felt I needed to do today but didn't push myself to do more than I could handle right now...I stopped myself from over doing it..and haven't felt overwhelmed all day..This is a good start for now and a step in the right direction I think. Tomorrow my goal is going to be to repeat this behavior and hopefully make it part of my daily life..That is to stop biting off more that I can chew and set some limits on myself..This should be good for both my physical and mental health..
Thank you all for posting..Reading your posts helps me too..I have trouble with sleep also..Last night I had problems falling asleep and the ever to often problem with be able to stay asleep reared it's ugly head again..My anxiety does spill over into my sleep at night much more than I would like. Of course when this happens it lingers most of the day after I wake and makes me tired all day..I can really relate to your analogy Hugs with the teapot..My cup has be over filled lately with health issues and worrying about how my health is beginning to effect my emotional state is causing me anxiety and stress or is it the other way around the anxiety and stress is affecting my health, not sure..It does seem connected some way with my feeling heart.
I feel asleep at midnight last night and woke up several times last night..This morning I was up at 530 am again!..I am planning on taking it easy today and trying to let my mind and body relax..Maybe some reading today..I am so tired lately that I find myself falling asleep while reading on my laptop..So today I'll pick up a book instead and try to relax a bit and maybe I will sleep better tonight..
I struggle with falling asleep and staying asleep. I used to let my thoughts race around my head as well but now I usually write it all out in a journal and I take medication which helps me relax.
I met with a counsellor once who suggested that people with anxiety have a lot of excess energy. She suggested that we should all exercise more which helps with falling asleep at night since we would be more tired. Sometimes this helps.
I also think you are amazing. You are one of the people who responds on here and supports us all so well.