Sorry, I wish I could help but I don't know how to compress photos either..My camera came with a software disk that allows me to reduce my pictures in size..I don't know how to do it with the computer its self..Your idea of asking someone to show you how is good one and very brave..You might really enjoy it once you learn how..It's really kind of fun putting up pics to go with certain posts..
Hugs Good for you. Your day trip sounds very interesting and a trip back in the summer when everything is in bloom sounds just lovely..Might just be a good time to take some pictures with your you received as a gift last year...
Hey! pretty please!
Your home sure sounds like a very interesting place with lots of treasures chests to explore..This is a goal worth investigating
I enjoyed a walk through a heritage home in a large park. It really made me apprecate mom's home, which isn't as old, but has some older things. The young tour guide hadn't noticed the door-protecting plates which mom's home also has. There was a bathroom from the 1850's, and a rope-supported mattress.
I brought my camera, but couldn't muster the courage to ask if I could take pictures as I wiggle out of this protective state around my stiffness. Summer will have the garden blooming though, and I'd like to return.
I can't wait to explore the fireplaces in our home since they're similarly old...and I'll use any opportunity to clean to get to them, since decluttering is important to me! Cleanliness is next to Godliness they say.
As for ice and it's danger, I think it's God's way of keeping me grounded.
Oh Hugs, I'm so sorry you fell and hurt yourself. darn! Hope it isn't too bad and heals quickly. I've slipped a couple of times this winter but luckily got my balance and didn't hurt myself. It can happen so fast.
Some times pain can be a distraction for me, like when I broke my leg. In that case my anxiety level goes up as the pain goes away. It is sort of weird. It is like the pain gives me a break from my anxiety. On the other hand I also find that when I am tired the anxiety tends to make my pain worse than it is.
So sorry to hear about your fall but glad to hear that you didn't break anything.
I am looking forward to hearing all about your trip out to a historic park tomorrow..It should be beautiful..May be you can take a picture or two to show us when you get back. I would sure love to see it through your eyes and the eye of your camera.
I have to say I am inspired by your ability to look at and for the positives in life in spite of your recent fall and aches and pains..
I must have a low pain threshold as my body gets over some muscle strains in my back and neck. Yesterday I slipped on some ice, and I nearly did the splits, which isn't a good idea if you have an artificial hip.
It's either feeling drowsy with tylenol or pain and I'd rather have the pain since I know I'm getting better or need to be more careful..
I'm going to venture out for a visit at a historic park which should be scenic after some snow falling today or tomorrow, and buy some essentials. Hope I can share the adventure with others and begin to resume life as it can be!